Speech: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling

Good Evening, my name is Giuliana Serafini and I am a 6th grader at Hall Middle School. I painted my bin when I was a 5th grader at Neil Cummins Elementary School in Corte Madera with two of my classmates who I must recognize: Nannette Straub & Hailey Levin. I thought it was important to make a poster because we wanted to show the community that simple steps such as reducing, reusing and recycling can help to improve not only our community but our global needs.

My hope in creating this poster was for community members to learn from my poster that by recycling, composting and sorting your trash, we can build a better community and a better place for all our citizens to live, animals and insects included. My favorite part about creating posters for painted bins was the opportunity to express my view of how simple actions on our part can make a huge change if we all work together as well as working with my classmates to create something meaningful to us.

At home, I practice and encourage my family to sort trash for our weekly pickups, as well as composting food waste both at home and at school. I believe that reducing food waste is important because When food is wasted in our community, all the resources that were used to produce this food - including water, land, energy, labor and capital - go to waste. In addition, the disposal of food waste in landfills, leads to greenhouse gas emissions, adding to climate change.

The opportunity to participate in the Painted Bins program taught me that using my drawing about something that matters could help to educate and remind community members that a little effort from everyone can be impactful. 

In conclusion, thank you to the Painted Bin Program for providing me and other students the opportunity to express ourselves through art to show why taking care of our Earth is important. Also thank you to Miss Kathy for creating a great program that brings our community together for a great cause- promising to leave our community cleaner that how we found it.

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Giuliana Serafin, 6th Grade,

Hall Middle School, Larkspur, CA


Why We Believe in Composting
