Please Compost

My name is Taylor Charlston and I’m a fourth grader at Bacich Elementary School.

Last year I joined the Green Team because I wanted to help the environment and try to have zero waste at our school. Helping the environment is important to me because I can help preserve nature, animals, and our community by keeping it clean.

One of the projects we did on the Green Team was making posters to teach people how to compost and why it is important.

My poster shows that you can compost food and napkins into the green bin. I thought this was really important because a lot of people don’t know that you can compost napkins even when they have food on them or are dirty.

My poster also has a big picture of planet earth to help remind people of why it is so important to compost their food and napkins.

I am really proud my poster will be here in Piper Park to help teach others how to take care of the environment.
Thank you.

Taylor Charlston, 4th grader, Bacich Elementary School, Kentfield, CA

To learn more about the importance of composting, please click here


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